What’s been happening in Pre-Primary?

During term 3, our Pre-Primary students have participated in a variety of learning experiences. In Literacy, our Talk 4 Writing unit was focused on the story ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’. During the term, we had the giant visit our room. Children explored the narrative features and created their very own narrative with a villain character. By the end of the term, students had looked at the features of procedural texts and created their own recipe ‘how to ice a biscuit’. Our Maths concepts included ‘Friends of Ten’, investigating two numbers that always add to ten. By engaging in play activities, we discovered various strategies that helped us solve simple subtraction word problems. Our Pre-Primary students participated in two incursions, the first learning all about ‘Road Safety’ and the second was ‘Fun with Forces’. We had our dads join us for a Father’s Day Celebration, we got to shave them, play with them and share lunch with them. Our dads had the best day in Pre-Primary.