Update – 8 February 2022

Dear Parents

From this morning we will be making some adjustments to the Pre Primary drop off and pick up routine to be in line with new directives given to schools:

1. You will be able to drop your Pre Primary child off at drive-thru or come to the Pre Primary door. Staff will be in the drive-thru to greet your child but are not able to assist them in or out of the car.

2. Parents are able to help their child if needed but this will need to be a quick process so that there is minimal build up in the drive thru zone.

3. Children alighting from and getting into cars independently is the preferred option if they are capable of doing this.

4. Pre Primary children may not be dropped off early as there is no staff supervision in this area until 8.20 am. Please bring children as close to 8.30 am as possible.

5. If you are dropping your child off at the door please make it a lovely, happy and quick goodbye. If they are still settling please see Mrs Prior about working together on this.

6. Pre Primary may be picked up at the door or in the drive-thru in the afternoon. Again, independently getting into the car is preferred or parents may assist.

Most of the children are already familiar with this process from last year so should find it relatively easy. It’s amazing how quickly they adapt to any new routines. 

Thank you for your support and cooperation – we’ll just keep taking any changes one day at a time!

Kind regards

Yvonne and the Pre Primary team