Research shows that students who are given regular exposure to books by someone who loves books will develop the desire to learn to read. This intrinsic motivation is a very powerful force in encouraging children to develop a life-long love of reading. So, when you do your best to find time to read aloud every day, you’re doing much more than “just” reading to your child.
When you make time for a read-aloud every day, you also make time for:
- Enjoying the sheer pleasure that books can bring
- Real-life exposure to the language and literacy skills children have been learning while at school
- Inspiring beginning readers to plunge onward with their reading efforts
- Sending the message that reading books is so important, that time is made for it every day.
Our library has many read-alouds that we’d love for you to share with your child – request a favourite book and if we have it on the shelf, we’ll send it home.