Term 2 Reports

Your child’s semester report will be available to access after 3pm this afternoon, to be read along with a portfolio of work and assessments that your child will bring home.
This semester’s teaching and learning program has been significantly impacted by the effect of Covid on our school community.  Second term in particular saw a high absentee rate due to students being close contacts, isolating from testing positive or generally being unwell. 
While teachers have worked hard to enable continuity of learning for all students there have necessarily been some adjustments to the learning program.  Please note as you read your child’s report that some grades may be given based on the limited work or assessment data available at the time.

This semester’s report should be read with consideration to:

  • evidence of progress or achievement in their portfolio,
  • the regular updates to the class program shared through Seesaw each week,
  • their attendance rate this term, keeping in mind that extended or regular absence significantly impacts learning
  • information shared at the parent-teacher interviews or other communications

Reports are accessible through SEQTA Engage; however, if you have any difficulty with this please contact the school office.