St Paul’s Feast Day

On Tuesday 29 June, we will be celebrating St Paul’s Feast Day. Here is a run down of what’s happening on the day:

  • 9 am: Whole school Mass
  • Presentation to Father Tim from school
  • 10.30-12.30: Stall set up and St Paul’s Market Day – each class will be responsible for running a stall or two and classroom teachers may need to ask for items to be brought in, so please keep an eye out for messages from teachers and support the class stall wherever you can.
  • 12 – 12.30pm: Staggered lunches for all classes. Kindy and Pre Primary at 12pm, Years 1 and 2 at 12.15 and Years 3-6 at 12.30pm
  • 1.10pm: St Paul’s Talent Show – we will record the finalists and share via classes.

We are looking forward to an enjoyable and fun feast day!

About $5 per child is enough for our Market Day- students are asked to bring money in small denominations. Tokens or tickets will be given to the younger children so that they don’t need to carry their money around.

Children are asked to also bring a gold coin donation for Free Dress on the day.

All money raised goes to our Life Link appeal and to our sister school in Kalianpur. Many thanks for your support of these two worthy charities.