Smart Watches, Phones and Other Devices

Please note that students are not permitted to bring to school or use smart watches, mobile phones or other personal devices during the school day. All technology within the school is used under the supervision of staff and there are security measures in place to minimize or prevent any inappropriate use that may adversely impact the student or others.

This policy is in line with that of Catholic Education for all schools and which can be reviewed on the CEWA website.

Parents who need their child to have access to a device will need to provide a letter to the school giving the reason that their child requires access to a device such as a mobile phone or smart watch at times outside of school hours (for example, for parent communication) . Students will then need to leave the device at the school office as soon as they arrive at school and collect it at the end of the school day.

We very much appreciate your support in ensuring that all our children can safely engage with technology in a manageable, supervised and acceptable way.