Parents are the prime educators of their children and the school’s Religious Education program is only as effective as the parental example and support in the home environment. Family prayer and attendance at Sunday Mass and other Parish liturgies help children in their faith development.
At St Paul’s, whole-school and class liturgies occur throughout the school term. The Rosary, class prayer and other Catholic traditions are also celebrated during the school year.
As a Catholic school, Religious Education is our first learning area and underpins all curriculum content. The school’s Religious Education program is a systematic and sequenced program that helps children relate the Catholic faith with their daily lives. The Religious Education Units of Work are mandated by the Archbishop and religious instruction occurs on a daily basis in accordance with the content of the Units of Work. These units follow the themes: Baptism, Penance, Eucharist, Confirmation, Church, Bible, Prayer and Jesus.
While the school has a responsibility in preparing our students to receive the sacraments of Reconciliation, Eucharist and Confirmation, this is done in the context of the Archdiocesan parish-based, school-supported, family-focused model. Each year, the school organises interactive and dynamic retreats for sacramental candidates and their parents.