St Paul’s Catholic Primary School offers a holistic education, embracing the spiritual, intellectual, physical, social and emotional development of students, where both relationships and learning are valued. A range of specialist programs are offered, including Physical Education, Music, Science, Italian, Art and Edu-Dance. Students participate in a range of academic and sporting competitions throughout the year.
About our Curriculum
At St Paul’s, we pride ourselves on having a well-rounded curriculum, providing students with a wide variety of activities and competitions in many learning areas. A range of programs are implemented to cater for the individual needs of the students, who are not only supported in their learning through a whole-school intervention program but are also challenged by a comprehensive extension and enrichment program and classroom extension activities.
The Whole-School Intervention Program, coordinated by the Learning Support Coordinator, identifies and addresses the needs of children experiencing learning difficulties.
The ASPIRE Program is offered to selected students from Years 4-6, providing comprehensive academic challenges.
Each year we strive to raise our standards of achievement. Teachers are supported to investigate new ideas and make changes to their teaching practice to benefit the students. The teachers engage in collaborative conversations at Professional Learning Community (PLC) meetings, participate in ongoing professional learning, engage in peer coaching, visit other schools and form community partnerships. We regularly review our annual plans, analyse our student performance data and decide on the areas that most need focus in our school.